How to Market Your Business:
Free Micro Lessons.
A lot of business owners and executive managers are not marketing experts or simply have too many other things to deal with. Our goal is to provide you with useful information, which is why we want to “teach” you about how to market your business rather than just “market” to you. Something we like to call, “teacheting.”
Terry Sullivan, Owner of Strategic Glue is a college professor in addition to having 30 years experience in marketing, sales, management, and entrepreneurship. He has more than 10 years experience as an Assistant Professor (full-time) and Adjunct Professor (part-time), teaching and developing a wide variety of business and communications courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. His students often call him, “Proffy T.”

Proffy T Micro Lesson Videos
These videos are generally 3-5 minute micro lessons covering a variety of topics that align with the key strategy areas we espouse and/or the issues we often see with clients and prospects. New lessons publish weekly, so please click the button below to be notified of new videos. We won’t spam you or share your email with any third parties. Promise.
How to Market Your Business:
Case Studies
Since 2009, we’ve been involved with a variety of different clients and engagements. Projects typically entail brand strategy, customer strategy, and digital strategy with an emphasis on innovative marketing solutions using technology.
How To Market Your Business:
Explainer Videos
Brief explainer videos covering key topics.
How to Market Your Business:
These e-Books are simply written with relevant, practical, and easy-to-understand insights on how to market your business. Sign-up to receive notifications as new e-Books publish.
Brand Strategy
Brand is an over-used term, but branding is intentional and starts from the inside.

Customer Retention #2
New! Stats from reputable sources compliment this common sense e-Book.

Customer Acquisition
Whatever you want to call it, acquiring new customers has changed a lot.

Effective Marketing
Data and analytics have enabled more informed and effective marketing.

Website Rethinking
Your website is earned media – a brand platform that you own and control.

Customer Lifetime Value Calculator
This simple Customer Lifetime Value calculator shows you how much your customers are worth after you subtract acquisition costs (how much you spent to acquire them), cost of good sold, and service costs. How can we know how much to spend on a new customer if we don’t know how much they are worth to the company?