
Brand Strategy Versus Selling a Product
Thinking about brand strategy versus making a sale makes a lot of sense in today's chaotic environment. Companies need to create a brand relationship with prospects and customers - more than ever before. 95%...

Personalization Improves the Customer Experience
This post is about strategically using existing simple data to enable personalization enhancing a customer experience that is relevant, contextual, and useful. GO! St. Louis is the metro area's preeminent sponsor of running events in St. Louis. While GO! sponsors...

Why is Business Growth So Difficult?
This basic question reverberates in my mind frequently, as just about everyone is concerned with business growth. But other than the common resource challenges (human and financial), competition, and “needing more customers,” why is growing a business so difficult?...

Is Marketing Strategy in Your Rearview Mirror?
The title of this post was something I said to a co-worker many years ago as we lamented another day caught-up in too many details…managing the day-to-day fires - not being able to think about marketing strategy. I said to him, “We talk about marketing strategy, but...

Is Your Customer Strategy Missing Two Key Ingredients?
As most small and mid-market companies feverishly attempt to grow and create valuable businesses, there is often a pronounced effort on customer acquisition - new customers. But, not necessarily on customer retention for existing customers or marketing to employees -...

How I Was Able to Sell My Business
Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes In 1997, I was able to sell my business, which I started six years earlier even though I did so with very little real-world knowledge or experience. I started that business at 26-years-old and what I learned through that venture has...

Why Soft Skills Matter and What I Learned from a Student
As a professional with 30 years of business experience and 10 years of teaching in higher education, I really value soft skills. However, I have always marveled at the lack of emphasis we place on soft skills in both professional settings and communications. Or maybe...

A Business Failure Became the Best Education of My Life
In my last post, I wrote about how I was able to sell my first business and that building a brand, customer base, and competitive advantage ultimately helped me build a small business that had value. This article is about business failure, and how failing was the best...

Customer Engagement Through Teaching, Not Marketing
Estimated read time: 5 minutes Customer engagement breeds conversions, and what better way to create engagement than through teaching and learning? People love to learn. People do not always love being a "target" of marketing. I have the amazing privilege of...
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